Length: 6’7”
Power(Action): Medium Heavy
Taper: Ex. Fast (Solid TIP)
Line: MAX 16lb.
THE BISHOPは、対近距離戦に特化した撃ち物スペシャリティー。
The BISHOP is designed specifically for close quarter fights on light rigs.
With a solid tip and powerful belly and butt sections, the extra-fast taper blanks enable superb accuracy in casting medium to lightweight rigs. Any fish that bites can be pulled out instantaneously from cover with its strong butt section.
With such a drastic taper, it may not seem versatile, but it surprisingly covers everything from heavy drop shot rigs, free rigs, light Texas, light backslide worms, and heavy Neko rigs. It works especially well with Egu-Dama Type-Cover and Level jigs. Where power-finesse and PE line combo don’t work, the BISHOP is perfect for “hanging” rigs around hard structure for effortless casting and maneuvering.