MICRO DODGEは、小型ボディながらこれまで投げ込むことができなかったカバーに対しても積極果敢に撃ち込んでいける、ソフトボディで武装した超攻撃的なダッヂ。
The MICRO DODGE is a compact and super aggressive version of the DODGE. Armored with a soft body, it can be cast aggressively into tight cover.
The high-float elastomer body pairs well with a #2/0 class offset hook, allowing casts deep into cover.
The soft wings on the body have the perfect hardness, shape, and angle that creates an aggressive crawl on the surface with a straight retrieve.
It’s also possible to shake slack line to slowly entice fish. The wings will limit forward movement and create delicate ripples on that spot.
※ To maximize the MICRO DODGE’s ability, a PE line and nylon shock leader system is recommended. Please be aware that directly tying PE line to the hook may bend the hook since there is no absorption and all force will be placed on the hook. Additionally, since PE line isn’t supple, there is a higher possibility of tangled lines when cast into cover. For the sake of the environment as well, please use a leader and refrain from tying directly onto your PE line.
※ The MICRO DODGE wings are detachable. After landing fish in a tough fight or retrieving from a snag, the wings may be pushed off the original position and result in irregular action. In that case, please adjust the wings accordingly. To help stabilize the wings and limit sliding, use crazy glue between the wings and body.
※ Elastomer is a material that deforms easily and when it touches softbaits generally made of PVC, it will be damaged. To prevent this, please keep it away from other soft baits and resins during storage. It is recommended to be stored in the original plastic package.
■ V-shaped slit on spine
For improved hookup ratio, there is a V-shaped slit on the spine. While elastomer does not tear easily and hooks stay on longer, if the hook point gets lodged in the body, hookup ratio drops substantially. On the MICRO DODGE, a V-shaped slit is carved on its spine, which allows less contact with the body compared to ordinary slits.
■ Stomach-side slit
The MICRO DODGE has a wide stomach-side slit. With the hook shank offset through the body and hook point protruding, hookup ratio significantly improves.
■Tinsel tail
The MICRO DODGE has a tinsel tail. The tinsel creates just enough resistance for a stable crawling action.