Length: 3.5inch Quantity: 6pcs.
OKA EBI 3.5inchは同2.5inchを単純にサイズUPさせただけではなく、3.5inchというサイズでの用途を考慮した上にたどり着いたオリジナル形状。
OKA EBIのコンセプトである、水中での『生命感』・『たたずまい』、そして『静と動のメリハリ』は変わる事無く継承しつつも、カーリー・レッグ・アーム・ボディー等の各パーツには“強さ”を持たせています。
高タンパク・高カロリーなエビ系ワーム、OKA EBI 3.5inchが全国各地のフィールドに侵攻していくのはそう遠くはないでしょう。
Length: 3.5inch Quantity: 6pcs. Price: 850yen(w/o tax)
The OKA EBI 3.5inch is not just an upsized version of the 2.5inch. It’s an original design that recalibrates the uses for a 3.5inch model.
Keeping the original concept in place: “lifelike”, “presence”, and “contrasting stillness and movement” underwater, this bigger model adds “power” with its curly arms, legs, antennas, and body.
The bulked up curly arms push off water dramatically during its swim and fall to get fish noticing, while its four antennas sway seductively in current.
The redesigned body is flat and chunky, so the rig doesn’t spin or get snagged on retrieves. Its inverted side legs jiggle with light current for lively movement that appears as though an organism (shrimp) is fleeing.
It can be used on common bank fishing rigs like Texas, small rubber jig trailer, direct line rig, and heavy down shot rig. When placed on a size #1/0 or #2/0 offset hook, the hook point will hide perfectly in its top slit.
When casting into cover, it’s vital to have a good rhythm going and this allows less snags and more time fishing. It won’t be long before this high-protein, high-calorie shrimp-style worm OKA EBI 3.5inch takes over the nation’s waters.